Return to Learn
November 2021 Updated Quarantine Guidance

Oakland County Health Division (OCHD) recommendations for quarantine are as follows:

Quarantine Guidance
Download Guidance by clicking here.



The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) updated their guidance for quarantine and isolation recently. The biggest change is that there is a new option for students who are identified as close contacts to return to school if they were masked while exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19. Please see the MDHHS chart for clear guidance.

NOTE:  11/-10/21 This guidance is no longer valid as we are following Oakland County Guidelines above.

RETURNING TO LEARN for the 2021-2022 School Year - AUGUST 2021 UPDAte

At this time, the district plans to offer both Full Five Days per Week In-Person Learning and a Virtual Option for our students.  

Please click here for a detailed explanation of our offerings.

In-Person Program

Although it is still difficult to predict what the coming days and months will look like, our intent is that the In-Person Program will have students attending five days of in-person instruction per week for the 2021-2022 school year.  Students selecting this program will receive high-quality curriculum instruction taught by Clarenceville School District teachers.  Technology will be integrated into the in-person experience as each student will have access to a technology device like a Chromebook.  Face-to-face, in-person instruction is the default option for all CSD students five days per week.

Although rapidly evolving, our current policies include face coverings mandated on buses and remaining optional for students and staff in all of our facilities, plastic shields are also optional but available by request. To the extent possible, we will social distance students at 3 feet, continue regular cleaning and disinfecting of our buildings, and send home exposure letters in the event a COVID case is reported at school. In addition, we are asking families and staff to screen for symptoms at home and stay home when symptomatic. These policies may change based on local data and board of education decisions.

Virtual Learning Program

The Virtual Learning Program will be a self-paced, asynchronous curriculum.  The Virtual Learning Program will NOT be taught by a Clarenceville teacher and may not include live lessons. 

The Virtual Learning Programs being offered will come from a third-party vendor, either Edmentum's EdOptions Academy or Michigan Virtual, Oakland Schools Virtual Learning Academy Consortium Program (K-12).  

All Virtual Learning Programs will require the enrolled student to work from home.  Based on this fact, we recommend the following considerations before making your commitment to the Virtual Learning Programs:

  • Your child(ren) should have a designated work-space, limited distractions, and sufficient time to finish school work at home
  • You should have access to a high-speed internet connection
  • Students should have the necessary technology skills to navigate online programs and platforms
  • Students should regularly as for help when needed from their mentor teachers or peers
  • The parent/guardian will support the student at home by monitoring progress in coursework and follow up with mentor teachers when concerns arise
  • The parent/guardian will work with the district administration and staff to ensure support services are coordinated if necessary (for example:  special education services, 504 services & supports, etc.)
  • All Virtual Learning Program students understand they are required to report in-person for all mandated Federal and State testing during the 2021-2022 school year.  This testing includes assessments such as WIDA, M-STEP, PSAT, SAT and school district assessments such as FASTBRIDGE testing, etc.
  • Parents and students know that whatever program of learning is selected the commitment is for the first semester of the 2021-2022 school year and that student placements may only be changed at the end of the semester depending on space available within our in-person sections.

Parents are asked to complete a survey indicating whether their student will be in-person learning or virtual learning.

The survey can be found by clicking here.  Please complete only one survey per child.



Click here for resources for home learning

 Click here for the School Health Screening Agreement.  Required for all students that will be returning to in-person learning.


CLICK HERE for the Student Screening Checklist.  Required to be completed at home each day a student is coming to school for in-person learning.