GSRP Great Start Readiness Program2


Clarenceville GSRP

GSRP’s mission is to provide a nourishing program to enhance children’s self-esteem, social and emotional, cognitive, and physical development, in a hands on developmentally appropriate and safe setting.

The program includes parent involvement, field trips and uses the HighScope Curriculum which focuses on child initiated learning.

  • If you live in Oakland County, your child may be eligible. Families of (4) earning up to $61,500/yr are usually eligible. Those earning more are sometimes eligible. Apply Today!
  • To enroll, children must have been born on or before December 1st, 2019 (with priority given to those who turn four prior to September 1, 2019) and qualify for this Free State funded nationally recognized Pre K program.
  • Call Jodie Griffin at (248) 919-0404 for more information and to enroll or complete an online GSRP application right now!

Full Day Offered Monday - Thursday During the School Year
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 

External LinkClarenceville Online GSRP Application

After accessing the above link, directions for families when filling out the application - 

  • How can we help you today? 
    • Select 3-5 year olds
  • Check to see if you have an account
    • Enter your email address or I don't have an email
  • In the application Screen
    • "Do you have a specific preschool you would like to apply for?"
      • Check the box
    • "What city are you looking for preschool in?
      • Select 'Livonia' as the city
    • Preschool
      • Choose 'Clarenceville Schools'
  • Continue filling out the rest of the application with your child's information and your household information and upload necessary documents.
  • Submit the application

Oakland Schools Michigan Free Pre School Program GSRP


Kassandra Captain
Samantha Grzech
MacKenzie Vandoren


Jodie Griffin
Jodie Griffin