About Our School
Botsford’s Mission Statement
Educating Today’s Children for Tomorrow’s World
Botsford’s Vision Statements
Our Students
- Choose to be productive members of society who are fully equipped to continue their
- preparations for the future.
- Are confident and self-assured.
- Have a positive vision of the future and goals to achieve their vision.
- Are well rounded academically.
- Take pride in their school and community.
- Appreciate learning as a life-long endeavor.
- Are creative problem solvers who make sound decisions.
- Value and accept diversity.
- Feel safe at school.
Our Parents
- Are necessary partners in the process of learning.
- Are involved at school by volunteering in the classroom and being members of school based organizations.
- Welcome dialogue and differences as we work to create the very best learning opportunities for all of our children.
- understand that learning is not limited to the four walls of a classroom or the length of a
- school day and extend their child’s learning to their homes and communities, and in the
- process, create life-long learners.
- Feel secure in the knowledge that their children are in a safe and stimulating learning
- environment.
Our Staff
- Will provide a safe and nurturing learning environment.
- Adapt to an ever-changing educational climate.
- Seek out and use innovative strategies including the latest technology to meet the needs of a
- diverse student population.
- Continue a healthy rapport with our school’s parents and community to help increase their
- involvement with their student’s education.
Our Curriculum
- Promotes collaboration to actively involve and cooperatively support the educational process of
- our children.
- Utilizes differentiated instructional techniques to meet the individual needs of each learner.
- Combines resources to enhance a curriculum based on Common Core State Standards.
- Offers experiences in technology, music, art and physical education. In addition, research and
- advanced technology skills are integrated into the elementary curriculum at the intermediate grade levels.
- Teaches children to read well, express their thoughts through speaking and writing, to work
- with numbers and mathematical operations, to investigate, to inquire, and to solve real-world
- problems.