Welcome to the High School Career Center / College Application Page

The Career Center is located next to the Media Center/Library at the high school. My doors are open from 7:15 am-2:45 pm daily.   Please contact me, Harriet Finn, if you have any questions, or need help in the pursuit of post secondary opportunities, at 248-919-0236. My email is harriet.finn@clarencevilleschools.org

Links concerning financial aid, college information, Career Cruising Parent Portal, work opportunities,  and  other post secondary opportunities  are listed below.  Scholarships are posted in the career center and main office. Please check weekly and often.

College visits will be on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday  Sept-December, at LEAD, please see me for a schedule.  Career related speakers, work based opportunities, and the military are scheduled various times during the year.  Students are encouraged to come often and ask questions. Sign up in the Career Center.

Field trips will be career related and open to those students who have an interest in the career pathway. 

Helpful college links:

Tuition Incentive Program(TIP)

The State of Michigan offers TIP (Tuition Incentive Program) for students with low incomes.  Students are encouraged to attend participating colleges and the tuition will be paid by the state.  If your family received assistance from the Department of Social Services, you may be eligible for this college program.  Call the Hotline 1.888.447.2687.

Free Tuition with Paid training

Mat2 Apprenticeships - Are you looking for a well-paying manufacturing or technology career without the worry of tuition or student loan debt?  MAT² may be the answer for you!

MAT² – the Michigan Advanced Technician Training Program – TAKING APPLICATIONS now for the fall of 2016. High School graduate 18+  - Free College and work experience if you qualify. 

Jobs for teens! 

Livonia Youth Employment Office- if you are 14yrs +    3300 Civic Center Drive, Livonia   or call 734-466-2018- hours 1-5pm Tues, Wed, and Thurs-  Many jobs are posted on the bulletin board in the English hallway. 

Livonia Youth Employment

Career Counseling

Career Counseling with Xello

All 7th-12th grade students will use this website at least once a year for updating their Educational Development Portfolio.  Students are required to take interest assessments, explore colleges and update their goals. Information on  financial aid, employment, and a resume builder are also available. For a  look at your students EDP, please have them invite you, or contact me, to send you a password. If you would like to look on the website, use the following log in information:  log in- cville  password - trojans

Apprenticeship Training Opportunity!  18+  High School Graduate-  Are you interested in an outside electrical apprenticeship through the American Line Builders? Conducting interviews for qualified applicants... Interested persons may obtain an application online atExternal Link www.albat.org. With a $25 application fee and need a commercial driver’s license. You will be responsible to pay for your own materials, and you will be held responsible to repay any of your earnings if you breach the agreement by failing to complete the apprenticeship training program.  Applications for the ALBAT Program are available several times a year. Check their website for available trainings.

Understanding Federal Grants:  External Link http://studentaid.ed.gov/   What kinds of federal grants are available? The U.S... Department of Education offers a variety of federal grants to students attending four-year colleges or universities, community colleges, and career schools. 

Follow these steps as you prepare for education beyond high school: Michigan Aid and beyond- Due March 1 for Michigan State Aid, if qualified.

Complete the FAFSA- apply for free, External Link www.fafsa.gov.   Open on Oct 1,  you may use your last years income tax information. It is the first step to determine eligibility for federal, state and institutional aid. It must be filed by Mar 1 for priority consideration of Michigan Aid.

Guidebook to Michigan Student Scholarships and Grants website:External Linkwww.michigan.gov/ssg to view  eligibility on State aid programs. Create a username an password,, You must have a FAFSA on file to create a user account.  

Summer Programs

College for Creative Studies-Earn college credit, develop your portfolio, and participate in a student exhibition. CCS's summer program offers eight different concentrations to meet your interests. External Linkhttp://www.collegeforcreativestudies.edu/academics/ce/precollege-programs/summer-experience

MIchigan Summer Programs and Camps

External Linkhttp://www.studenteducationprograms.com/michigan/

College Scholarships-   Most are merit (GPA or SAT scores) or finanical need based, Do you qualify?

Check out fastweb.com, or local scholarships in your community.  (Banks, community organizations, Target, The Gates Millennium Scholars and others) Stop by the Career Center for up to date scholarships information.

Raise.Meis a great site to start acquiring scholarships. Students can receive money for grades, working and volunteering. Start early and check out this website. 

Important Links

External LinkFAFSA  After Jan1 you can fill the FAFSA