Vocal Music
Vocal Music Parents and Students
Vocal Music Boosters are the 4th Monday of every month at 7:00pm in the HS Choir Room.
We are looking for Vocal Music Boosters (veterans & new!) to help with the concerts, elections, fundraising, and planning for the future! If you have a child in the vocal music or performing arts program you are automatically a Booster!
Anyone interested in helping please email Mr. Debandt at: mr.debandt@gmail.com
Looking forward to a great school year!
-Mr. Debandt
Vocal Music Boosters
The Vocal Music Boosters organization promotes and supports the Clarenceville Vocal Music Department within the Clarenceville community as well as the larger community. The boosters are made up of parent volunteers who lend their time to help vocal music students succeed. The Boosters have provided new outfits for the Choraliers and have replenished and renewed the robes for the Concert Choir. They have also started a Vocal Music Scholarship Fund which provided College Scholarships for graduating Vocal Music Students every year.
4th Monday of each month!
HS Choir Room
- District Musical
- Recruitment
- Concert Season
- Budget / Fundraising
- Scholarships Guidelines