Clarenceville School District District Profile / About Us
The mission of the Clarenceville School District is to create a learning environment where All Means All.
Established 1837 the Clarenceville School District of Wayne and Oakland Counties is located at the southern edge of Oakland County and includes sections of Livonia, Farmington Hills, and Redford. It is comprised of 1,818 students in one high school, one middle school, and two elementary schools. Our students are of a moderate to low SES.
Our students are serviced by highly qualified certified teaching, counseling, special services, and administrative staff in full and part-time positions. Other employees working in our school include paraeducators and support staff, including secretarial, food service, maintenance, and part-time aides.
All four of our buildings have achieved NCA/AdvancED Accreditation. In 2017, Clarenceville earned the NCA/AdvancED District Accreditation.
The vision of the Clarenceville School District is to become a learning culture where all students will be empowered to face the challenges of the 21st century.
Supported by an enthusiastic faculty, dedicated staff, committed families, and a proud community, we create a safe and caring environment that fosters deep and enduring personal relationships. We provide our students with an academic foundation designed to promote the learning necessary to be successful in a global society by including global competencies of Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Character, Collaboration, Citizenship leading to an understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures and physical, social, and emotional wellness.
Within this supportive atmosphere, our students explore their talents and interests, set individual and group goals, and pursue courageous endeavors in all areas of their lives. Cooperative relationships among families, businesses, organizations, community members, and the school provide strong ties which enhance learning beyond the walls of the school.
We value a culture of civility where all stakeholders are treated with fairness, are celebrated for their successes and are respected for their contributions.
We prepare our students to live their lives with resilience, compassion, and above all integrity. As our students move through life we know that they are prepared to act knowledgeably, lead thoughtfully, share generously, and contribute meaningfully.
Instructional principles:
- Building Learning Communities: We believe effective instruction is grounded in caring, respectful relationships with all learners.
- Learner-Centered: We believe effective instruction empowers learners to take ownership of their learning.
- Deep Understanding: We believe effective instruction involves demonstrating a deep understanding of what to teach and how to teach it.
- Assessment: We believe effective instruction relies on decision-making based on what learners understand and can do.
- Feedback: We believe effective instruction relies on a reflective, growth-focused dialogue between educator and learner.
Clarenceville School District Staff Believes:
- All people have value, worth, and dignity.
- Everyone can learn.
- All individuals are unique.
- Learning is a life-long process.
- Everyone can experience success.
- Change is inevitable.
- Cooperation leads to greater learning and productivity.
- Continuous improvement comes from trying new ideas.
Clarenceville School District Board of Education Goals
- The district will recognize and honor individual differences and cultural diversity.
- The district will communicate and work with staff, parents and community members to develop and promote quality programs and services.
- The district will place emphasis on and implement strategies to raise student achievement at all levels as measured by M-Step, PSAT, SAT, and MME standardized testing and other district assessments.
- The district will continue its work in NCA/AdvancED school improvement, with the goal of preparing all students to be successful as they move from home to school, grade to grade and school to career.
- The district will support programs that challenge students to achieve at the highest possible academic level.
- The district will continue to implement a plan for the on-going professional growth of all staff members.
- The district will operate a balanced budget and remain financially sound while working to maintain the fund equity.
- The district will improve the appearance and utility of all buildings as an on-going priority.
District Facts
District Area: 4.5 square miles
Student Population 2018-2019: 1,802
Current Foundation Allowance per Pupil 2018-2019: $8,409
Operating Budget 2018-2019: $21,100,000